Application period for PYP 2023 is closed! Jury now evaluating projects

Pitch Your Project
Jury members are now ranking the projects

The application period for PYP 2023 has officially come to a close, and we’re thrilled to announce the next phase in this competition. Our dedicated jury will now begin the task of evaluating all the projects submitted by young individuals and teams. We’ve seen a remarkable outpouring of creativity and innovation, and we can’t wait to see who will rise to the top. Stay tuned for updates as we move closer to unveiling the projects that will shape the future of the Alpine Region. Thank you to all participants for their enthusiasm and hard work!

Today, the anticipation is building as our jury evaluates the projects. Their expertise and discerning eye will play a key role in evaluating the projects, scrutinizing their ingenuity, feasibility and potential impact. It’s a tall order, given the wealth of projects we’ve received.

We’d like to extend our warmest thanks to all the participants for their hard work and commitment to finding solutions for the Alpine region. Your dedication fuels our mission to encourage youth participation and empowerment.

Keep an eye on our latest news from September 18, 2023 to find out who the 5 finalists are.