FAQs Moving Mountains Camp

The main criteria are:
- resident in one of the 48 Alpine regions and aged 18-25 (date 1 July 2022).
- Gender, age, personal interests, motivation and region of living.
- being curious about the EUSALP activities and youth participation in general.
There will be 15 participants per summer camp. The selection of the participants will be made according to the different criterias listed above, in collaboration with the members of the EUSALP Youth Council. If there are more applications than places, we will ensure that we have a diverse selection of all age groups, genders, backgrounds and different regions from across the Alpine region.

To facilitate the organisation of the camp, the following documents are required:
- Identity card or passport since you'll be travelling to another country
- IBAN bank number to get your travel costs reimbursed
- Medical certificate to ensure physical capabilities to practice mountain activities

All camp costs will be covered by us, which includes: housing, food, outdoor activities and visits.
You will have to book your travel to and from the nearest train station at your own expense.
Please contact us if you have any issues for booking your trip.

The itinerary information can be found on the venue page. We will organise transportation from the nearest connecting train station to the location of the camp. We count on you to organise with us your travel.
Once all the participants are selected, you will be put in contact with the other participants of your country to organise your travel together.

We are here to learn! All activities can be adapted and together with the group, we will ensure that you feel comfortable.

Contact us and in regard to your situation. We will then decide what to do.

Contact us for more questions