Moving Mountains Together
EUSALP Youth Camp 2022

EUSALP Youth Camps 2022
Moving Mountains Together

Context information

The first EUSALP Youth Camp was supposed to take place during the French presidency in 2020, thanks to the idea of the youth.shaping.EUSALP workshop participants. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the camp has been postponed to summer 2021 with an adapted format. In 2022 we have decided to return to the original summer camp format. In order to allow the participation of young people as close to home as possible, we will organize 3 camps in 3 countries of the Alpine region.

Why these camps? 

In this period of global change, youth are key in the decision making process. There is a real eagerness from the younger generations to get involved for their future and for that they need opportunities to participate.

In many situations of youth participation, we observe that many young people consider to not have enough time during the year to participate in a project because of their studies, work and other activities. We believe that summertime is a free period for many of them and a summer camp can be the perfect solution for both goals by making the youth participate and finding summer activities for their holidays. 

What is it? 

EUSALP is implemented by nine Action Groups under three action-oriented pillars and one cross-cutting policy. The EUSALP Youth Camp will allow young participants to discuss and contribute ideas on the objectives of the EUSALP, more precisely on 3 thematics suggested by the EUSALP Youth Council.

The idea is to create an active citizenship program that is framed by an educational project with social common values, shared governance, language exploration and recreational mountain activities. These EUSALP summer camps allows youth to explore new horizons in a « living lab » environment based on spreading an alpine consciousness about the EUSALP objectives and the opportunities given to young people.

Ort: Wildermieming

What are the aims? 

When young people join our EUSALP Youth Camps, they are part of a stimulating integrative group experience. Through this, they will have the unique opportunity to discover new tools on how to act democratically and legitimately in their everyday environment. They will gain knowledge on how to communicate, decide, debate and share ideas while working with one another despite language or cultural differences. 

Our goal is to provide workshops and discussions on 3 thematics: climate change, mobility, youth participation. Through this program, youth will gain a better understanding of the various issues and will propose ideas, opinions and solutions. 

Who can participate? 

This project targets young people from 18 to 25 years old living in the Alpine region.  Since the participants will be coming from various different countries with different languages and cultural backgrounds, they will be placed in mixed groups in order to better collaborate and engage in a more comprehensive environment. 

As an active citizen, this camp gives you the chance to better understand the global issues happening in the Alps in which you are living.