10 reasons why you should apply for the EUSALP Youth Council 2023-2024

Since yesterday it is possible to apply for the next term of the EUSALP Youth Council. The EUSALP Y.C was created because young people raised the demand to have the opportunity to directly contribute their viewpoints and ideas in the EUSALP institutions. Young people should not discuss separated from the EUSALP bodies, but sit at the same table with the EUSALP decision-makers. The EUSALP regions and states agreed to create a Youth Council as an official instance to represent the youth in the Alpine region. Once again convinced that in this time of global change, youth play a key role in the decision-making process, they felt it necessary to include this participatory opportunity in their general organization.

We already have a clear idea why you should apply for the next term, and we asked Chat GPT what are the 10 good reasons to join the EUSALP Y.C. To be honest we do agree with the answers and we are glad to see that the AI proposed this order for the 10 reasons. It shows that the EUSALP Y.C is considered as a serious and studious group of young Alpine citizens.  Let’s see if it convinces you as well:

1. Develop leadership skills

As a member of the EUSALP Youth Council, you will have the opportunity to develop your leadership skills by taking on responsibilities such as organizing events, communicating with stakeholders, and representing the interests of young people in the Alpine region.

2. Gain experience in international cooperation

The EUSALP Youth Council is a platform for international cooperation and networking, providing you with valuable experience working across borders and cultures.

3. Network with other young professionals

You will have the opportunity to connect with other young professionals and students who share your interests in sustainable development, environmental protection, and regional cooperation.

4. Make a difference in your community

By participating in the EUSALP Youth Council, you will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of the Alpine region and help shape policies that affect young people.

5. Access training and development opportunities

The EUSALP Youth Council offers training and development opportunities to its members, helping you to build skills in areas such as communication, project management, and leadership.

6. Gain exposure to policy-making

The EUSALP Youth Council is closely connected to the political decision-making process in the Alpine region, providing you with exposure to policy-making and governance processes.

7. Contribute to sustainable development

As a member of the EUSALP Youth Council, you will be part of a community that is committed to sustainable development and environmental protection in the Alpine region.

8. Develop intercultural communication skills

Working with young people from different countries and cultures can help you develop intercultural communication skills, which are valuable in today’s globalized world.

9. Participate in events and activities

The EUSALP Youth Council organizes events and activities throughout the year, providing you with opportunities to meet new people, learn new things, and have fun.

10. Have fun and make friends

Joining the EUSALP Youth Council is a great way to have fun, make friends, and be part of a community of young people who are passionate about sustainable development and regional cooperation in the Alpine region.

We and AI convinced you!

All information is available on this website. You can also contact us if you have any questions.